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Parent agreement form

Promoting Positive Growth Mindset 

Thank you for choosing to be a part of the Health Science Program at Linden Kildare High School, CISD.  Our students should set high goals, portray a professional image and show productivity in their work and in life. Medical technology professionals, in any field of interest, set high expectations and follow through with their goals.

Courses offered: Health Science Technology(includes Nutrition and Mental Health) Medical Terminology, Certified Nursing Assistant – OFFERED DC , Pharmacy Technician – MUST BE TAKEN DC

Syllabus: Introduction to Pharmacy Course Number: PHRA 1301

Syllabus: Drug Classification Course Number: PHRA 1305 

Syllabus: Pharmaceutical Mathematics I Course Number: PHRA 1309  

1st Sem - NURA 1301 - Instructional 

2nd Sem - NURA 1160 Clinical 

Lectures: Most lectures will be recorded during class then uploaded to the online learning management system following the guidelines set by LKCISD. 

Assignments: Posted daily. It is the responsibility of the student to check the calendar for assignments. 

Grading Policy is based on a 9-week schedule at LKCISD 

A: 90-100 B: 80-89 C: 70-79 F- 60-69

Exams: 50%:  Will have minimum of 4 exam grades each 9 weeks Grading Scale

Daily Grades: 50%: Will have a minimum of 12 daily grades each 9 weeks, 2 lowest daily grades will be dropped at the end of each 9 weeks because late work is not accepted. 

Extra Credit: There will be an opportunity offered for extra credit each nine weeks. 

Final Exam 15%

Projects: Each course will have projects throughout the year. Each project will be graded by a rubric. The final grade of the project may be entered as a daily grade or an exam grade. This is at the teacher’s discretion. Students will be notified prior to project assignment if it will be a daily grade or exam grade.

MAKE UP WORK: Follow the policy in the student handbook. 

HOMEWORK: Homework may be assigned when appropriate in all academic classes.

CHEATING: Zero tolerance

RETESTING: Students who fail to attain 70 on a test covering a chapter or unit length material shall have an opportunity for re-testing; the maximum grade that may be earned on a re-test is 70. Re-testing shall be limited to one re-test for each test failed. No re-test will be given for semester exams or midterms. Retests WILL NOT be given in dual credit classes. 


Mental Health: - username: mh2021 password: Tigers2021

Health Science: username: lkcisd03 password: ihs16

Medical Terminology: username: lkcisd02 password: imt17

Nutrition: username: lkcisd04 password: nwfl19

Pharmacy Tech:,

CNA:: PW: linkil5314

Classroom rules:

  1. Be on time, on task and prepared for class.

  2. Respect the teacher, other students, yourself and the classroom.

  3. Bre responsible for your own learning.

  4. Clean up after yourself. Trash goes in the trash can.

  5. Electronics in the classroom are to be used for academic purposes. 

Virtual classroom: 

  1. Daily attendance and participation is required. 

  2. Communicate with the instructor through email, phone or video chat WEEKLY or as often as needed.

  3. Testing guidelines: To maintain testing integrity Dual Credit students will be required to test on site on a date and time determined by the instructor. 

Additional classroom policies and procedures


  2. Class begins when the bell rings. Begin bell ringer work on arrival to class.

  3. When a school wide announcement is made, there is to be no talking.

  4. Equipment and supplies are off limits unless currently being used during class. Clean and return all material to proper storage locations after use. 

  5. Follow all safety procedures during emergency situations: fire, tornado, etc. 

Discipline: Will follow guidelines listed in the student code of conduct. 

Technology: ALL STUDENTS WILL ACCESS THE INTERNET no matter if they are in the physical classroom or virtual learning classroom. Students will be required to use google classroom daily. 

Online Classroom Etiquette:

  1. NO YELLING, PLEASE- do not type in all caps. This is inappropriate.

  2. Use the streaming communication page appropriately. 

  3. Read first and attempt to find your own answer. 

  4. Make the effort to use grammar correctly.

  5. Submit files the correct way.

  6. Think before you type. 

  7. Be kind and professional.