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National Honor Society By-laws


The National Honor Society is an organization designed to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in the students of Linden-Kildare High School.  The NHS constitution provides eligibility to seniors (board approved June 2002). 

Selection in the Linden-Kildare High School National Honor Society is based on the following criteria:

(1) Prospective candidates must have a cumulative scholastic average of 90 percent (A) of all courses taken for high school credit excluding physical education or equivalent courses (PE I & II, band, athletics)

(2) Prospective candidates must have taken one (1) honors/advanced course as a freshman and two (2) per year as a sophomore, junior and senior (board approved June 2002)

(3)  Prospective candidates must be pursuing the recommended or the advanced plan

(4) Prospective candidates must show promise of demonstrating scholarship, leadership, service and character. 

Membership in the LKHS National Honor Society is not guaranteed based on membership in the Linden-Kildare Junior High National Honor Society. 

To determine eligibility for membership in the LKHS National Honor Society the following steps will be taken:

(1) The counselor’s office will conduct a cumulative grade search for all junior students with a grade point average of 90 (excluding band, athletics and PE) as of the end of the first semester of their junior year. 

(2)Candidates meeting the 90 cumulative average will have their transcript checked to ensure that they have taken one (1) honors/advanced class as a freshman and two (2) honors/advanced classes as sophomores, juniors and are scheduled to take at least two (2) honors/advanced classes as a senior.

(3)Candidates meeting the 90 cumulative average requirement and the honors/advanced courses requirement will have their names submitted to the principal of LKHS for a disciplinary check. 

(4)Upon completion of the disciplinary check, candidates’ names and a listing of the number and generalized description of disciplinary infraction(s) will be presented to a five (5) member National Honor Society Faculty Council.  All student information is confidential. 

(5) LKHS Faculty Council members (the National Honor Society Sponsor does NOT vote) will review the candidate’s information and vote to: (a) invite the candidate to become a full member of the LKHS National Honor Society; (b) invite the candidate to become a probationary member of the LKHS National Honor Society with a probationary period of one semester (Fall Semester of their senior year); or (c) decline to invite the candidate for membership to the LKHS National Honor Society.

(6) Candidates who are selected to receive an invitation to become a member of the LKHS National Honor Society will receive an invitation by mail.  It is the candidate’s responsibility to inform the NHS sponsor of their acceptance of the invitation.

(7)All prospective candidates will receive an officer form along with their invitation to become a member of the LKHS NHS.  Only those candidates who fill out and return the officer form will be considered for office.  The LKHS Faculty Council will review the forms and determine the office holders.  Officers will include: president, vice-president, secretary/treasurer and reporter.  The LKHS NHS sponsor reserves the right to revise these offices as needed. 

(8) Officers are required to meet 9 times in executive meetings and 9 times in regular NHS meetings.  Forfeiture of office will result if 4 meetings are missed; this will not affect membership in the NHS.

Members who fall below the NHS standards shall be warned in writing by the chapter advisor and given a semester to correct the deficiency.  In case of a flagrant violation of school or civil law, a member does not have to be warned.  A student who is dismissed or who resigns may never again become an honor society member.    

All rules, guidelines, goals and requirements of the National Honor Society will be strictly upheld.  All questions regarding the selection, probation and dismissal will follow national guidelines of the NHS with the exception of school board approved criteria.  All questions and concerns should first be taken to the LKHS NHS advisor. 


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