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Nikki WHATLEY's Profile




profile pic

Contact Info:

Work Phone:

903-756-5471 ex.2303

Conference Times:


Class Room Number:


About Me

Educational History:

May 1999 - Graduated Linden - Kildare High School (Linden, Texas)

December 2002 - Graduated Stephen F. Austin State University with Bacholor's Degree (Nacogdoches, Texas)

May 2007 - Graduated Texas ATM - Texarkana with Master's Degree (Texarkana, Texas)

Degrees and Certifications:

2002 - BS Early Childhood and Family Development, Minor - ECI (Early Childhood Intervention)

2005 - Texas Educator Certificate in Special Education (EC - 12)

2006 - Texas Educator Certificate in ESL - Supplemental

2007 - MS Special Education


Current Position:

I started working at the Elementary School in August of 2010.  I took over the Early Education classroom after Jessie Biscamp retired.  I have been here ever since and can think of nowhere else I would rather teach!  In 2011, Linden – Kildare partnered with Head Start and for the past six years I have had the priviledge of being the ISD teacher for the three year old class.  I teach my EE class in the morning and three year old Head Start classes in the afternoon. .  This current school year (2017 -2018), I have a new afternoon schedule.  I am not the ISD teacher for the Head Start 3 program, instead, I am the inclusion teacher for kindergarten and first grades.  As of the 2018 – 2019 school year, I have done EE in the moring, inclusion in the afternoon, and have also done self contained classes as well.   In total I have worked for LKCISD going on fourteen years.

Previous Position:

I began my teaching career in 2004, as a student teacher for a resource classroom in Bloomburg, Texas.  In August of 2005 I accepted a postition at Mae Luster Stephens Junior High teaching 6 – 8th Life Skills. I taught in that postition for 2 years.  In August of 2007, I took over the Content Mastery Lab at the Junior High.  I taught in that position for 2 years.  In August of 2009, I felt I needed a change and accepted a position teaching at the Jefferson Elementary school.  There, I took over a brand new classroom for students with Autism.  I worked there a year and decided to return to Linden.  In August of 2010, I took over the Early Education classroom after Jessie Biscamp retired.  

Family Information:

 My husband Rodney and I, both graduated from Linden – Kildare High School.  We were married in 2004.  We have two beautiful daughters.  Our oldest, Ada is in the fourth grade at Linden Elementary and our youngest, Cora is 4 years old.  We have a pet cat, Mow.

Personal Information:

When I am not teaching, I enjoy photography, reading, watching movies, and spending time with my family.


Upcoming Events

Contact Nikki WHATLEY

Classroom Number:
School Phone:
903-756-5471 ex.2303
Conference Time: